Capstone Reflection

Tori Click
1 min readJun 4, 2021

When looking at my current capstone project, I have layed out a big plan for myself. So far my project type consists of branding and packaging for the tampon line, creating a small bag for young girls to put their tampons in for transportation to the bathroom and two small zines: one is for the girls to educate them on puberty and periods while the other is for the boys/men in the girls life to educate them on how to respectfully handle the situation appropriately and to best inform them on how the girls body is changing.

Looking at this from afar it’s probably too much! Trying to inform everybody is a large task that I would love to take on, but realistically I have to take a step back and create what’s rational in the amounted time while educating the larger audience which is young girls. I think the possibility of creating one zine that can be geared towards girls to educate them on whats happening to them while also helping them have talking points to talk about whats happening with the men/boys in their life would be the most beneficial.

I am most excited about the packaging aspect of this project, ever since my first co-op where I got to experience packaging first hand, I have loved that aspect of graphic design and I hope to continue it in the future!



Tori Click

Just another designer here to make things look prettier!