The Forbidden Fruit

Tori Click
1 min readJun 11, 2021

I have decided to discuss the topic that everybody likes to avoid. Periods. I think its crazy that girls deal with this every month, yet the concept is still not normalized. Men of all ages feel uncomfortable about the topic and won’t even allow girls to talk about it in front of them, as if we have a choice wether or not this is happening to us.

With that being said, this has also caused a downhill affect where girls don’t feel good about themselves from the judgement. I would love to create an empowering space for young girls, to start a body positive confidence at a young age! Normalizing periods is a vital concept in creating a confident women and I would love to tackle this problem. I would love to be able to figure out how to solve the issue of men/boys feeling uncomfortable about periods and I still might try to figure that out, I just need to start researching!!



Tori Click

Just another designer here to make things look prettier!